
Reis mit Muscheln

Reis mit Muscheln

Genießen Sie mediterranen Flair mit unserem Reisgericht, verfeinert mit zarten Muscheln in aromatischer Weißweinsauce – ein Fest für die Sinne!

Reis mit Muscheln

Genießen Sie mediterranen Flair mit unserem Reisgericht, verfeinert mit zarten Muscheln in aromatischer Weißweinsauce – ein Fest für die Sinne!

Duftender Gemüsereis

Fragrant vegetable rice

White cabbage is one, if not the typical winter vegetable in Crete. Bring it into your kitchen too. This recipe is extremely popular, easy and healthy. The fragrant vegetable rice...

Fragrant vegetable rice

White cabbage is one, if not the typical winter vegetable in Crete. Bring it into your kitchen too. This recipe is extremely popular, easy and healthy. The fragrant vegetable rice...

Hünchen mit Salbei

Chicken with sage

This dish can also be made with pork, but with chicken we have a lighter and more delicate version. Sage gives food a taste of the Cretan mountains and also...

Chicken with sage

This dish can also be made with pork, but with chicken we have a lighter and more delicate version. Sage gives food a taste of the Cretan mountains and also...